
If you’ve sent out tons of resumes and have had little success, there’s a good chance that something is wrong. It could be the appearance, the summary, the dates of employment or how well you’ve been able to convey that your experience is an exact match for the job. For today, we’ll talk about what your resume says.

Is Your Resume Thrown Into The DO NOT Call Pile 300x191 - Is Your Resume Thrown Into The DO NOT Call Pile?Let’s start with what your resume conveys.

• What does your resume say really?

• Does it speak to your current experience?

• Does it convey the gravitas of your position, roles and stature?

Here’s what I mean. Let’s say you’re a student intent on enrolling in a Ph.D. program – does your resume represent you at that level? You certainly wouldn’t want to use an old one that looks like it was done when you first graduated from college if you have had much more experience.

Nor would you want to use resumes filled with old information. For instance – if you are now the Director of Operations, you don’t really need your resumes to focus on your background as a Customer Service Manager.

Things To Consider

  • Consider modifying your resumes if it focuses on your earlier experience.
  • If you’re the Director of Operations, a resume filled with lots of your customer service related experience rather than your director experience actually diminishes the level of your expertise. Y
  • You would be doing yourself a disservice.

A few quick changes can actually help you to develop resume that will get you noticed. Use these tips to gain interest and better position yourself for success.